Background Color
Changes the background color of the image.
Url Parameters{customer-token}/bgColor-FFFFFF/?
Allowed Values (Any valid HTML color - Please remove '#' symbol)
As the following examples but not limited.
- Black = "000000"
- Silver = "C0C0C0"
- Gray = "808080"
- White = "FFFFFF"
- Red = "FF0000"
- Purple = "800080"
- Green = "008000"
- Yellow = "FFFF00"
- Blue = "0000FF"
Original Image (Width: 750 px, Height: 501 px)
The original image resized to (Width: 400 px , Height: 400 px) that will result default BLACK background color.
Here is how to change the background color to any valid HTML color. Like 'Green' as the following example
Please Note : You must remove the '#' symbol